OleSetAutoConvert  2V97XX5

Specifies a CLSID for automatic conversion to a different class when an object of that class is loaded.

WINOLEAPI OleSetAutoConvert(

    REFCLSID clsidOld,

//CLSID to be converted

    REFCLSID clsidNew

//New CLSID after conversion






[in] CLSID of the object class to be converted.


[in] CLSID of the object class that should replace clsidOld. This new CLSID replaces any existing auto-conversion information in the registry for clsidOld. If this value is CLSID_NULL, any existing auto-conversion information for clsidOld is removed from the registry.


Return Values

This function supports the standard return values E_INVALIDARG, E_OUTOFMEMORY and E_UNEXPECTED, as well as the following:


The object was tagged successfully.


The CLSID is not properly registered in the registry.


Error reading from the registry.


Error writing to the registry.


Cannot read a key from the registry.



The OleSetAutoConvert function goes to the system registry, finds the AutoConvertTo subkey under the CLSID specified by clsidOld, and sets it to clsidNew. This function does not validate whether an appropriate registry entry for clsidNew currently exists. These entries appear in the registry as subkeys of the CLSID key:

CLSID\{ clsid}=MainUserTypeName\AutoConvertTo = clsid


Object conversion means that the object s data is permanently associated with a new CLSID. Automatic conversion is typically specified in the setup program of a new version of an object application, so objects created by its older versions can be automatically updated to the new version.

For example, it may be necessary to convert spreadsheets that were created with earlier versions of a spreadsheet application to the new version. The spreadsheet objects from earlier versions have different CLSIDs than the new version. For each earlier version that you want automatically updated, you would call OleSetAutoConvert in the setup program, specifying the CLSID of the old version, and that of the new one. Then, whenever a user loads an object from a previous version, it would be automatically updated. To support automatic conversion of obects, a server that supports conversion must be prepared to manually convert objects that have the format of an earlier version of the server. Automatic conversion relies internally on this manual-conversion support.

Before setting the desired AutoConvertTo value, setup programs should also call OleSetAutoConvert to remove any existing conversion for the new class, by specifying the new class as the clsidOld parameter, and setting the clsidNew parameter to CLSID_NULL.

See Also
