OleQueryCreateFromData  10Q4VVK

Checks whether a data object has one of the formats that would allow it to become an embedded object through a call to either the OleCreateFromData2DRR4H5 or OleCreateStaticFromDataD41M52 function.

WINOLEAPI OleQueryCreateFromData(

    IDataObject * pSrcDataObject

//Pointer to the data transfer object to be queried






[in] Pointer to the IDataObject interface on the data transfer object to be queried.

Return Values


Formats that support embedded-object creation are present.


No formats are present that support either embedded- or static-object creation.


Formats that support static-object creation are present.



When an application retrieves a data transfer object through a call to the OleGetClipboardKCS835 function, the application should call OleQueryCreateFromData as part of the process of deciding to enable or disable the Edit/Paste or Edit/Paste Special... commands. It tests for the presence of the following formats in the data object:


Determining that the data object has one of these formats does not absolutely guarantee that the object creation will succeed, but is intended to help the process.

If OleQueryCreateFromData finds one of the CF_METAFILEPICT, CF_BITMAP, or CF_DIB formats and none of the other formats, it returns OLE_S_STATIC, indicating that you should call the OleCreateStaticFromDataD41M52 function to create the embedded object.

If OleQueryCreateFromData finds one of the other formats (CF_EMBEDDEDOBJECT, CF_EMBEDSOURCE, or cfFileName), even in combination with the static formats, it returns S_OK, indicating that you should call the OleCreateFromData2DRR4H5 function to create the embedded object.

See Also

OleCreateFromData, OleCreateStaticFromData, OleQueryLinkFromData