The LVM_GETITEMTEXT message retrieves the text of a list view item or subitem. You can send this message explicitly or by using the ListView_GetItemTextHCCD58 macro.


wParam = (WPARAM) (int) iItem;

lParam = (LPARAM) (LV_ITEM FAR *) pitem;




Index of the list view item.


Pointer to an LV_ITEM3F10CR structure. The iSubItem member specifies the index of a subitem, or it can be zero to get the item label. The pszText member points to a buffer that receives the text, and the cchTextMax member specifies the size of the buffer.


Return Values

If you send this message explicitly, it returns the length of the retrieved string.

If you can send this message implicitly by using the ListView_GetItemText macro, there is no return value.

See Also

ListView_GetItemTextHCCD58, LV_ITEM3F10CR