IRunningObjectTable::EnumRunning  VWG6N_

Creates and returns a pointer to an enumerator that can list the monikers of all the objects currently registered in the Running Object Table (ROT).

HRESULT EnumRunning(

    IEnumMoniker **ppenumMoniker

//Indirect pointer to the enumerator for ROT






[out] When successful, indirect pointer to the IEnumMoniker10F_XW_ interface on the new enumerator. In this case, the implementation calls IUnknown::AddRef1SHW0SS on the parameter; it is the caller s responsibility to call IUnknown::ReleaseDUW01A. If an error occurs; the implementation sets ppenumMoniker to NULL.


Return Values

This method supports the standard return value E_OUTOFMEMORY, as well as the following:


An enumerator was successfully returned.



IRunningObjectTable::EnumRunning must create and return a pointer to an IEnumMoniker interface on an enumerator object. The standard enumerator methods can then be called to enumerate the monikers currently registered in the registry. The enumerator cannot be used to enumerate monikers that are registered in the ROT after the enumerator has been created.

The EnumRunning method is intended primarily for the use by the system in implementing the Alert Object Table. Note that OLE 2 does not include an implementation of the Alert Object Table.

See Also

IEnum, IEnumMoniker