IPropertyPage::Show  5.TL0C

Makes the property page dialog box visible or invisible according to the nCmdShow parameter. If the page is made visible, the page should set the focus to itself, specifically to the first property on the page.


    UINT nCmdShow

//Indicates whether to make the page visible or hidden






[in] Command describing whether to become visible (SW_SHOW or SW_SHOWNORMAL) or hidden (SW_HIDE). No other values are valid for this parameter.


Return Values

This method supports the standard return values E_INVALIDARG and E_UNEXPECTED, as well as the following:


The show command was successfully invoked.



Notes to Callers

Calls to this method must occur after a call to IPropertyPage::Activate and before a corresponding call to IPropertyPage::Deactivate.

Notes to Implementers

E_NOTIMPL is not a valid return value. E_OUTOFMEMORY is not a valid return value, since no memory should be used in implementing this method.

See Also

IPropertyPage::Activate, IPropertyPage::Deactivate