IPropertyPage::Move  216HNBU

Repositions and resizes the property page dialog box according to the contents of prc. The rectangle specified by prc is treated identically to that passed to IPropertyPage::Activate.


    LPCRECT prc

//Pointer to RECT structure






[in] Pointer to the RECT structure containing the positioning information for the page dialog box.


Return Values

This method supports the standard return value E_UNEXPECTED, as well as the following:


The page repositioned itself successfully.


The address in prc is not valid. For example, it may be NULL.



Notes to Callers

Calls to this method must occur after a call to IPropertyPage::Activate and before a corresponding call to IPropertyPage::Deactivate.

Notes to Implementers

The page must create its dialog box with the placement and dimensions described by this rectangle, that is, origin point at (prc->left,   prc->top) and dimensions of (prc->right-prc->Left,   prc->bottom-prc->top).

See Also

IPropertyPage::Activate, IPropertyPage::Deactivate