IOleItemContainer  SPCPUS

The IOleItemContainer interface is used by item monikers when they are bound to the objects they identify.

When any container of objects uses item monikers to identify its objects, it must define a naming scheme for those objects. The container s IOleItemContainer implementation uses knowledge of that naming scheme to retrieve an object given a particular name. Item monikers use the container s IOleItemContainer implementation during binding.

When to Implement

You must implement IOleItemContainer if you re a moniker provider handing out item monikers. Being a moniker provider means handing out monikers that identify your objects to make them accessible to moniker clients. You must use item monikers if the objects you re identifying are contained within another object and can be individually identified using a string.

The most common example of moniker providers are OLE applications that support linking. If your OLE application supports linking to objects smaller than a file-based document, you need to use item monikers. For a server application that allows linking to a portion of a document (such as selections within a document), you use the item monikers to identify those objects. For a container application that allows linking to embedded objects, you use the item monikers to identify the embedded objects.

You must define a naming scheme for identifying the objects within the container; for example, embedded objects in a document could be identified with names of the form  embedobj1,   embedobj2,  and so forth, while ranges of cells in a spreadsheet could be identified with names of the form  A1:E7,   G5:M9,  and so forth. (Ranges of cells in a spreadsheet are examples of  pseudo-objects  because they do not have their own persistent storage, but simply represent a portion of the container s internal state.) You create an item moniker that represents an object s name using the CreateItemMonikerLHMVWY function and hand it out to a moniker client. When an item moniker is bound, your implementation of IOleItemContainer must be able to take a name and retrieve the corresponding object.

When to Use

Applications typically do not call IOleItemContainer methods directly. The item moniker implementation of IMoniker18XK102 is the primary caller of IOleItemContainer methods.

Methods in VTable Order

IUnknown Methods



Returns pointers to supported interfaces.


Increments the reference count.


Decrements the reference count.


IParseDisplayNameQD_Z28 Method



Parses object s display name to form moniker.


IOleContainer Methods



Enumerates objects in a container.


Keeps container running until explicitly released.


IOleItemContainer Methods



Returns a pointer to a specified object.


Returns a pointer to an object s storage.


Checks whether an object is running.


See Also

CreateItemMoniker, IMoniker, , -, , Item Moniker Implementation