
The IMsgServiceAdmin::GetMsgServiceTable method provides access to the message service table, a listing of the message services in the profile.

Quick Info

See IMsgServiceAdmin : IUnknownAV9KUM.

HRESULT GetMsgServiceTable(

    ULONG ulFlags,


    LPMAPITABLE FAR * lppTable







[in] Bitmask of flags that controls the type of the string columns in the table. The following flag can be set:


The string columns are in Unicode format. If the MAPI_UNICODE flag is not set, the string columns are in ANSI format.


[out] Pointer to a pointer to the message service table.


Return Value


The message service table was successfully returned.



The IMsgServiceAdmin::GetMsgServiceTable method provides access to the message service table, a table maintained by MAPI that lists the message services currently installed in the session profile.

For a complete list of columns in the message service table, see Message Service Table3OIDNYI.

The message service table is static. After a client has been given access to it, subsequent message service additions or deletions will not affect it.

If there are no message services in the current profile, GetMsgServiceTable returns a table with zero rows.

Setting the MAPI_UNICODE flag in the ulFlags parameter affects the format of the columns returned from the following IMAPITable methods:




This flag also controls the property types in the sort order returned by the IMAPITable::QuerySortOrderEWDPDZ method.


See Also

IMsgServiceAdmin::ConfigureMsgService, IMsgServiceAdmin::DeleteMsgService