IMallocSpy::PostRealloc  2ZSI0HC

Called after invoking IMalloc::Realloc5HRJV..

void * PostRealloc(

    void * pActual,

//Pointer returned by IMalloc::Realloc

    BOOL fSpyed

//Whether the original allocation was  spyed 






[in] Pointer to the memory block reallocated by IMalloc::Realloc5HRJV..


[in] If TRUE, the original memory allocation was done while the spy was active.


Return Values

A pointer to the beginning of the memory block actually allocated. This pointer is also returned to the caller of IMalloc::Realloc5HRJV.. If debug information is written at the front of the caller s allocation, it should be a forward offset from pActual. The value should be the same as pActual if debug information is appended or if no debug information is attached.

See Also

IMalloc::Realloc, IMallocSpy::PreRealloc, CoRegisterMallocSpy, CoRevokeMallocSpy