
The IMAPIViewAdviseSink::OnNewMessage method notifies a form viewer that either a new or an existing message has been loaded in a form.

Quick Info

See IMAPIViewAdviseSink : IUnknownAYF74X.


HRESULT OnNewMessage()




Return Values


The call succeeded.



Form objects call the IMAPIViewAdviseSink::OnNewMessage method whenever a message is loaded in a form using either the IPersistMessage::InitNewGF7_MJ or IPersistMessage::Load10QIUGK method. A viewer often releases any IMAPIForm interfaces it has open at this point because the existing form object no longer points to the message the viewer was formerly viewing.

For information about implementing the interfaces related to form servers, see MAPI Form Interfaces Used by Client Applications1AR39HN.

See Also

IMAPIForm : IUnknown, IPersistMessage::InitNew, IPersistMessage::Load