
The IMAPISupport::GetSvcConfigSupportObj method creates a message service support object.

Quick Info

See IMAPISupport : IUnknownA6YDUA.

HRESULT GetSvcConfigSupportObj(

    ULONG ulFlags,


    LPMAPISUP FAR * lppSvcSupport







Reserved; must be zero.


[out] Pointer to a pointer to the new message service support object.


Return Values


The configuration support object was successfully created.



The IMAPISupport::GetSvcConfigSupportObj method is implemented for all support objects. Service providers call IMAPISupport::GetSvcConfigSupportObj to create a configuration support object to pass to a message service entry point function.

A message service entry point function is based on the MSGSERVICEENTRY3OD9G8O prototype and is called by methods of the IMsgServiceAdminAV9KUM interface. A message service entry point function allows message services to configure themselves or perform other actions when the profile is changed. Message service entry point functions can support configuration changes by displaying a property sheet or through a property value array passed to the IMsgServiceAdmin::ConfigureMsgService2BH5OG5 method.

See Also

IMsgServiceAdmin::CreateMsgService, IProfAdmin : IUnknown, MSGSERVICEENTRY