
The IMAPISupport::GetOneOffTable method returns a pointer to MAPI s one-off table, a list of templates supported by all address book providers for creating new recipients.

Quick Info

See IMAPISupport : IUnknownA6YDUA.

HRESULT GetOneOffTable(

    ULONG ulFlags,


    LPMAPITABLE FAR * lppTable







[in] Bitmask of flags that controls the type of the string columns. The following flag can be set:


The string columns are in the Unicode format. If the MAPI_UNICODE flag is not set, the string columns are in the ANSI format.


[out] Pointer to a pointer to the one-off table.


Return Values


The one-off table was successfully retrieved.



The IMAPISupport::GetOneOffTable method is implemented for address book provider support objects. Address book providers call IMAPISupport::GetOneOffTable to retrieve the complete list of templates for creating new recipients. Included in this table are templates supported by all of the address book providers active in the session as well as templates supported by MAPI.

The newly created recipients can be used to address a message or added to an address book container

For a list of the properties that make up the required column set in one-off tables, see One-Off TablesGW99SV.

Setting the MAPI_UNICODE flag in the ulFlags parameter affects the format of the columns returned from the following IMAPITable methods:




This flag also controls the property types in the sort order returned by the IMAPITable::QuerySortOrderEWDPDZ method.


Notes to Callers

If registered for notification of changes to this one-off table, you will also receive notifications of changes made to other providers  one-off tables. Based on these notifications, you can support new address types that are added during the current session.

See Also

IABContainer::CreateEntry, IMAPISupport::NewEntry, PR_CREATE_TEMPLATES