
The IMAPISupport::DoSentMail method performs processing on a sent message.

Quick Info

See IMAPISupport : IUnknownA6YDUA.


    ULONG ulFlags,


    LPMESSAGE lpMessage







Reserved; must be zero.


[in] Pointer to the open message for which a message should be generated in the folder designated to hold sent items.


Return Values


The call succeeded and has returned the expected value or values.



The IMAPISupport::DoSentMail method is implemented for message store provider support objects. Message store providers call DoSentMail from within their implementation of IMsgStore::FinishedMsgW9ABM8 method, called by the MAPI spooler when it has finished processing a message. FinishedMsg unlocks the message, ensures that the message s reference count is one, and calls IMAPISupport::DoSentMail.

DoSentMail performs the following tasks:

    Determines whether the message should be deleted after sending by checking the message for the PR_DELETE_AFTER_SUBMIT17LK2UM property.

    Determines the location of the Sent Items folder.

    Initiates message hook processing for any hooks set on the Sent Items folder.

    Moves the message to the Sent Items folder, Deleted Items folder, or to another folder as specified by any messaging hook providers.

    Releases the message.


See Also
