
The IMAPIFolder::SaveContentsSort method sets the default sort order for a folder s contents table.

Quick Info

See IMAPIFolder : IMAPIContainer161AJWS.


HRESULT SaveContentsSort(

    LPSSortOrderSet lpSortCriteria,


    ULONG ulFlags







[in] Pointer to an SSortOrderSet4J.5_V4 structure containing the default sort order.


[in] Bitmask of flags that controls how the default sort order is set. The following flag can be set:


The default sort order set applies to the indicated folder and to all of its subfolders.


Return Values


The sort order was successfully saved.


The message store provider does not support saving a sort order for its folder contents tables.



The IMAPIFolder::SaveContentsSort method establishes a default sort order for a folder s contents table. That is, when a client calls the folder s IMAPIContainer::GetContentsTable7HJ4FZ method after calling SaveContentsSort, the rows in the returned contents table will appear in the order established by SaveContentsSort.

Not all message store providers support SaveContentsSort; it is acceptable for message store providers to return MAPI_E_NO_SUPPORT from the SaveContentsSort method.

See Also

IMAPIContainer::GetContentsTable, SSortOrderSet