IFileViewer::ShowInitialize  P01A06

[Now Supported on Windows NT]

Allows a file viewer to determine whether it can display a file and, if it can, to perform initialization operations before showing the file.

The shell calls this member function before the IFileViewer::ShowKLOQL3 member function. The shell specifies the name of the file to display by calling the file viewer s IPersistFile::Load member function.

IFileViewer::ShowInitialize must perform all operations that are prone to failure so that if it succeeds, IFileViewer::Show will not fail.

HRESULT ShowInitialize(

    IFileViewer FAR *pFileViewer,









Address of the IFileViewer33S7ZAO interface. In C++, this parameter is implicit.


Address of a IFileViewerSite9DZ5WD interface. A file viewer uses this interface to retrieve the handle of the current pinned window or to specify a new pinned window.


Return Values

Returns the NOERROR value if successful or an OLE-defined error value otherwise.

See Also
