IDataAdviseHolder::SendOnDataChange  3T9T.BL

Sends notifications to each advise sink for which there is a connection established by calling the IAdviseSink::OnDataChangeRBSVUI method for each advise sink currently being handled by this instance of the advise holder object.

HRESULT SendOnDataChange(

    IDataObject * pDataObject,

//Pointer to the data object that has changed

    DWORD dwReserved,


    DWORD advf

//Advise flags






[in] Pointer to the IDataObject interface on the data object in which the data has just changed. This pointer is used in subsequent calls to IAdviseSink::OnDataChangeRBSVUI.


[in] Reserved for future use; must be zero.


[in] Container for advise flags that specify how the call to IAdviseSink::OnDataChangeRBSVUI is made. These flag values are from the enumeration ADVFJW0._0. Typically, the value for advf is NULL. The only exception occurs when the data object is shutting down and must send a final notification that includes the actual data to sinks that have specified ADVF_DATAONSTOP and ADVF_NODATA in their call to IDataObject::DAdvise38JBOZP. In this case, advf contains ADVF_DATAONSTOP.


Return Values

This method supports the standard return value E_OUTOFMEMORY, as well as the following:


The call to IAdviseSink::OnDataChange was made.



The data object must call this method when it detects a change that would be of interest to an advise sink that has previously requested notification.

Most notifications include the actual data with them. The only exception is if the ADVF_NODATA flag was previously specified when the connection was initially set up in the IDataAdviseHolder::AdviseGBIEY_ method.

Before calling the IAdviseSink::OnDataChangeRBSVUI method for each advise sink, this method obtains the actual data by calling the IDataObject::GetData81EL5_ method through the pointer specified in the pDataObject parameter.

See Also

ADVF, IAdviseSink::OnDataChange