ICDrawSuggestFormat  6Z5X_7O 

The ICDrawSuggestFormat function notifies the drawing handler to suggest the input data format.

DWORD ICDrawSuggestFormat(

    HIC hic,






    int dxSrc,


    int dySrc,


    int dxDst,


    int dyDst,


    HIC hicDecompressor







Handle of the driver to use.


Address of a structure containing the format of the compressed data. For bitmaps, this is a BITMAPINFOHEADER05ZA4G structure.


Address of a structure to return the suggested format. The drawing handler can receive and draw data from this format. For bitmaps, this is a BITMAPINFOHEADER structure.

dxSrc, dySrc

Width and height of the source rectangle.

dxDst, dyDst

Width and height of the destination rectangle.


Decompressor that can use the format of data in lpbiIn.


Return Values

Returns ICERR_OK if successful or an error otherwise.


Applications can use this function to determine alternative input formats that a drawing handler can decompress and if the drawing handler can stretch data. If the drawing handler cannot stretch data as requested, the application might have to stretch the data.

If the drawing handler cannot decompress a format provided by an application, use the ICDecompress, ICDecompressEx, ICDecompressExBegin, ICDecompressExQuery, and ICDecompressOpen functions to obtain alternate formats.

See Also

BITMAPINFOHEADER, ICDecompress, ICDecompressEx, ICDecompressExBegin, ICDecompressExQuery, ICDecompressOpen