Bitfield indicating the requested resource has been denied by the server due to a logon failure, an ACL on a resource, an ISAPI Filter, or an ISAPI application/CGI application.

SF_DENIED_BY_CONFIG can appear with SF_DENIED_LOGON if the server configuration did not allow the user to log on.

#define SF_DENIED_LOGON             0x00000001

#define SF_DENIED_RESOURCE          0x00000002

#define SF_DENIED_FILTER            0x00000004

#define SF_DENIED_APPLICATION       0x00000008


#define SF_DENIED_BY_CONFIG         0x00010000


typedef struct _HTTP_FILTER_ACCESS_DENIED (added in Version 2.0)

const CHAR * pszURL;           Requesting URL

const CHAR * pszPhysicalPath;  Physical path of resource

DWORD        dwReason;         Bitfield of SF_DENIED flags




The server will automatically include the supported authentication schemes when an ISAPI application, Filter or CGI Script returns a "401 Access Denied".