GetSystemPaletteEntries  22ZUBAQ 

The GetSystemPaletteEntries function retrieves a range of palette entries from the system palette that is associated with the specified device context.

UINT GetSystemPaletteEntries(

    HDC hdc,

// handle of device context

    UINT iStartIndex,

// index of first entry to be retrieved

    UINT nEntries,

// number of entries to be retrieved


// array receiving system-palette entries 






Identifies the device context.


Specifies the first entry to be retrieved from the system palette.


Specifies the number of entries to be retrieved from the system palette.


Points to an array of PALETTEENTRY80WU3I structures to receive the palette entries. The array must contain at least as many structures as specified by the nEntries parameter. If this parameter is NULL, the function returns the total number of entries in the palette.


Return Values

If the function succeeds, the return value is the number of entries retrieved from the palette.

If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error information, call GetLastError11C2VS7.


An application can determine whether a device supports palette operations by calling the GetDeviceCaps function and specifying the RASTERCAPS constant.

See Also

GetDeviceCaps, GetPaletteEntries, PALETTEENTRY