GetSecurityDescriptorOwner  K.05S. 

The GetSecurityDescriptorOwner function retrieves the owner information from a security descriptor.

BOOL GetSecurityDescriptorOwner(

    PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSecurityDescriptor,

// address of security descriptor

    PSID *pOwner,

// address of pointer to owner security identifier (SID)

    LPBOOL lpbOwnerDefaulted

// address of flag for default






Points to a SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR188MR8K structure whose owner information the function retrieves.


Points to a pointer to a SIDCLJI72 structure identifying the owner when the function returns. (A SID is a security identifier.) If the security descriptor does not contain an owner, the function sets the pointer pointed to by pOwner to NULL and ignores the remaining output parameter, lpbOwnerDefaulted. If the security descriptor contains an owner, the function sets the pointer pointed to by pOwner to the address of the security descriptor s owner SID structure and provides a valid value for the variable pointed to by lpbOwnerDefaulted.


Points to a flag set to the value of the SE_OWNER_DEFAULTED flag in the SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_CONTROL3773D5 structure when the function returns. If the value stored in the variable pointed to by the pOwner parameter is NULL, no value is set.


Return Values

If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero.

If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error information, call GetLastError11C2VS7.

See Also

GetSecurityDescriptorControl, GetSecurityDescriptorDacl, GetSecurityDescriptorGroup, GetSecurityDescriptorLength, GetSecurityDescriptorSacl, IsValidSecurityDescriptor, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_CONTROL, SetSecurityDescriptorOwner, SID