GetEnhMetaFileDescription  NIAQPX 

The GetEnhMetaFileDescription function retrieves an optional text description from an enhanced-format metafile and copies the string to the specified buffer.

UINT GetEnhMetaFileDescription(


// handle of enhanced metafile

    UINT cchBuffer,

// size of text buffer, in characters 

    LPTSTR lpszDescription

// address of text buffer






Identifies the enhanced metafile.


Specifies the size, in characters, of the buffer to receive the data. Only this many characters will be copied.


Points to the buffer to receive the optional text description.


Return Values

If the optional text description exists and the buffer pointer is NULL, the return value is the length of the text string, in characters.

If the optional text description exists and the buffer pointer is a valid pointer, the return value is the number of characters copied into the buffer.

If the optional text description does not exist, the return value is zero.

If the function fails, the return value is GDI_ERROR.


The optional text description contains two strings, the first identifying the application that created the enhanced metafile and the second identifying the picture contained in the metafile. The strings are separated by a null character and terminated with two null characters   for example,  XYZ Graphics Editor\0Bald Eagle\0\0  where \0 represents the null character.

Where text arguments must use Unicode characters, use this function as a wide-character function. Where text arguments must use characters from the Windows 3.x character set, use this function as an ANSI function.

Windows 95: The maximum length of the description string for an enhanced metafile is 16,384 bytes.

See Also
