EnumDateFormatsProc  YL5LV4 

An EnumDateFormatsProc function is an application-defined callback function. It is called as a result of a call to the EnumDateFormatsW9.1C6 function, and receives a pointer to a string buffer containing a date format string.

BOOL CALLBACK EnumDateFormatsProc(

    LPTSTR lpDateFormatString

// pointer to date format string






Pointer to a string buffer containing a null-terminated date format string. This string is a long or short date format, depending on the value of the dwFlags parameter passed to EnumDateFormats. Note that lpDateFormatString should be an LPWSTR for the Unicode (W) version of EnumDateFormats, and an LPSTR for the ANSI (A) version of EnumDateFormats.


Return Values

To continue enumeration, the callback function should return TRUE.

To stop enumeration, the callback function should return FALSE.


EnumDateFormatsProc is a placeholder for an application-defined function name.

An EnumDateFormatsProc function can carry out any desired task.

An application registers an EnumDateFormatsProc function by passing its address to the EnumDateFormats function.

A value of type DATEFMT_ENUMPROC is a pointer to an EnumDateFormatsProc function.

See Also
