The EXTENDED_NOTIFICATION structure describes information relating to an event that is service provider-specific.

Quick Info

Header file:




     ULONG    ulEvent; 

     ULONG    cb;

     LPBYTE   pbEventParameters;





Extended event code that is defined by the provider.


Count of bytes in the event-specific parameters pointed to by pbEventParameters.


Pointer to event-specific parameters. What type of parameters are used depends on the value of the ulEvent member; these parameters are documented by the provider that issued the event.



The EXTENDED_NOTIFICATION structure is one of the members of the union of structures included in the info member of the NOTIFICATION1KRZ0QA structure. When the info member of a NOTIFICATION structure contains an EXTENDED_NOTIFICATION structure, the ulEventType member of the NOTIFICATION structure is set to fnevExtended.

The extended event is defined by a service provider to represent a type of change that cannot be covered by any of the other pre-defined events. Only clients that know before they register that a service provider supports an extended event can register for that event. It is not possible for clients to determine without advanced knowledge if a service provider supports an extended event and, if it does, how to handle such an event when it is received.

For more information about notification, see the topics described in the following table.



Event Notification in MAPIE.8REW

General overview of notification and notification events.

Handling Notifications1Q6HBVG

Discussion of how clients should handle notifications.

Using a Support Object for Event Notification2VRG_X4

Discussion of how service providers can use the IMAPISupport method to generate notifications.


See Also