
The DeregisterIdleRoutine function removes a client application or service provider function based on the FNIDLE19HJWII function prototype from the idle table.


Note  This function may not be supported in future versions of MAPI.


Quick Info

Header file:


Implemented by:


Called by:

Client applications and service providers


VOID DeregisterIdleRoutine(

    FTG ftg







[in] Function tag that identifies the idle function to be removed.



A client application or service provider can only remove an idle function   that is, a function based on the FNIDLE function prototype   from the idle table if the function is not active. MAPI does not verify that the idle function is in a state from which it can be exited.

A client or provider can use the idle function itself to make the call to the DeregisterIdleRoutine function. The idle function is deregistered when the function returns.

After the idle function is deregistered, the idle engine does not call it again. Any implementation that calls DeregisterIdleRoutine must deallocate any memory blocks to which it passed pointers for the idle engine to use in its original call to the FtgRegisterIdleRoutine11QF8LZ function.