


    // the service has invoked de-registration or

    // the service has never called registration.




    // the service is running.




    //  the service is paused.






#define INetServiceUnknown      INetServicePaused + 1



// Maximum length of some members in characters


#define MAX_SERVERNAME_LEN      256                // We allow hostnames




// Dimensions of the toolbar bitmaps


#define TOOLBAR_BMP_CX          17

#define TOOLBAR_BMP_CY          17


The INetService* definitions are taken straight from INETSLOC, and are provided here only for services that do not support INETSLOC discovery.  TOOLBAR_BMP_CX and TOOLBAR_BMP_CY specify the ideal dimensions of the toolbar bitmap the configuration DLL provides.


// Service information flags


#define ISMI_INETSLOCDISCOVER   0x00000001  // Use INETSLOC for discovery

#define ISMI_CANCONTROLSERVICE  0x00000002  // Service state can be changed

#define ISMI_CANPAUSESERVICE    0x00000004  // Service is pausable.

#define ISMI_NORMALTBMAPPING    0x00000100  // Use normal toolbar color mapping

#define ISMI_VIRTUALHOSTS       0x00000200  // Service supports virtual hosts

#define ISMI_VIRTUALROOTS       0x00000400  // Service supports virtual roots


#define MAX_SNLEN               20          // Maximum short name length

#define MAX_LNLEN               48          // Maximum long name length


The service information bits are used in the ISMSERVICEINFO structure to specify supported features.